Children's Photography
You may want to take advantage of the integrated shopping basket on this site. It allows you to create personalised photo books and purchase a range of other photo products such as framed prints, greeting cards, collages, multi-aperture prints, calendars, up to 30'' x 20'' wall mounts, desk stands and many more. There is everything you may need at your fingerprints to make the most of your photo experience and your gallery.
To check availability and book your session phone 07856550442 or send me a message online here.
Don't forget, this isn't just the photo session but includes all the time, care, and love invested in processing the images to make something you'll treasure forever. Photography begins with a smile, then a click of a shutter, then a smile every time you see the photograph.
NEW price list becomes effective on 1st March 2020
The Mini Story
***Additional digital files can be purchased at £29 per image.
Additional Information
- This price refers to shooting in London on location, local park, etc. There are plenty of places to choose from, and I can offer suggestions if you need help.
- To reserve your chosen date, a signed contract and a non-refundable deposit of 20% is required with the remaining amount required two weeks before the shoot.
- Normally the photo session is for a family of four, costs for additional adults are negotiable.
- Talk to me! I'm happy to discuss what you want and we can share ideas to make the day memorable for you and get great images. I want you to have the best memories, the best photographs, and the best session possible. If you have something specific in mind, share it with me and I'll do my best to accommodate you.
- I can help and advise you with creative projects including books & prints, and other uses of your photographs - just ask for details.
- I'm sure you'll love your photographs: so much so that if you're not completely happy I'll give you your money back in full. I know that sessions can go awry sometimes for reasons that are hard to foresee, particularly involving children... but I know that you'll adore the photographs and want to have them and keep them for future generations.